Tuesday, October 29, 2013

UGC-Refresher Course on Perspective in Human Rights Education, 9-30 DEC, 2013, TISS, Mumbai

UGC-Refresher Course on Perspective in Human Rights Education 
from 9th to 30 Dec 2013
TISS, Mumbai

About: Nodal Centre of Excellence for Human Rights Education, School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance, Tata Institute of Social Science calls for nominations of teachers by the Heads of various departments/Centers of universities and Law Colleges for UGC- Refresher Course. Those who are interested to apply are requested to fill the application pro-forma and send them to the Course Director through email first and post a printed hard copy of it to his address later.
Nature and theme of the course: The theme of the course is "Changing Perspectives in Human Rights Education". The course would include class room lectures, peer learning, field visits, report writing and class room presentations. The class room sessions would be of more interactive and participative in nature by the teachers and experts. Experts from academia and practitioners from field would be invited to interact with the participants. The reading material would be provided free of cost. The course would cover the latest developments in the field of human rights perspectives on education and their implications. The participants would be awarded with a certificate by the UGC-TISS after successful completion of the course.
Dates and duration: The course would to be organized from 9th to 30th December 2013. The duration of course is 18 working days excluding the holidays.
Who are eligible to apply?: The teachers who are teaching social sciences and law to graduate and Post-Graduate students with interdisciplinary approach can apply for the course, but others interested in the theme of Human Rights Education are not discouraged. The language of training would be in English and the applicants are expected to have reasonable proficiency in English. Those who are seriously interested to upgrade their knowledge and perspectives in human rights education need only to apply. In case of those who have already undergone refresher course training, the gap between two successive refresher courses should normally be one year. It will be relaxed in case it is essential for the teacher to fulfill the eligibility condition for the career advancement. 
Seats Available: There are only 30 seats available and selection process would be strictly on the basis of serious interest exhibited in application and relevant qualifications and criteria of the applicants. Two slots are earmarked for teacher participants from North East and Manipur and two seats for teachers from Jammu and Kashmir.
Venue: The course would be organized within Campus of TISS, Deonar, Mumbai. 
Travel, Lodging and Boarding: The refresher course is a residential
training. The participants would be provided train and bus travel expenses for both sides on a shortest route on production of tickets. Their boarding and lodging facilities would be taken care of as per the UGC-ASC norms. 
Registration Fee: Every participant has to pay a registration fee (non-refundable) of Rs. 500/- at the time of confirming his or her participation in the program. 
Application Last Date: 20th November 2013.
For any queries and details contact:Prof. Arvind Tiwari. tiwari_a@tiss.edu 09833732592 or
Dr. Murali Karnam, murali.karnam@tiss.edu or murali.karnam@gmail.com, Cell: 09967605572
Nodal Centre of Excellence in Human Rights Education, School of Law, Rights and Constitutional Governance, TISS, Mumbai - 400088.
Request for Application Form

Monday, October 28, 2013

Access to the first 100 Palgrave Pivot titles FREE for 100 Hours

Palgrave, on the occasion of first anniversary of its 'Palgrave Pivot', a host of more than 100 titles across the Humanities, Social Sciences and Business, offering access to the first 100 Palgrave Pivot titles FREE for 100 Hours.
Access Period:
From 9am on Monday 28th October to 1pm on Friday 1st November, 2013.
Content: All 100+ Palgrave Pivot titles.

PhD Admission Notification 2013-14 at Karnatak University Dharwad [including: Library Science, 8]

Faculty: Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Law, and Social Science.
[including: Library Science, 8]

Modes of the Ph.D Programme:
A candidate may register either for Full-time or part-time Ph.D programme. Full-time Ph.D programme shall be undertaken by an eligible candidate who will work on regular basis in the department till the submission of the thesis.
Part-time: Part time Ph.D programme shall be undertaken by an eligible candidate who does not prefer to pursue research on regular basis in the department till the submission of the thesis.

Calendar of Events:
1) Issue of Application Forms : 07.10.2013 (Monday)
2) Last date for the receipt of application : 31.10.2013 (Thursday)
3) Date of Entrance Test : 11.11.2013 (Monday)
4) Announcement of the List of Qualified Candidates : 15.11.2013 (Friday)
5) Date of Interview : 21.11.2013(Thursday)
6) Meeting of the Doctoral Committee of all Faculties : 25.11.2013(Monday) - 30.11.2013(Saturday)
7) Last date for admission : 07.12.2013(Saturday)

In case, the last date is declared as holiday the next working day will be the last date.

Alternatively: Also visit KUD Home
Best wishes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Eleventh AIMS International Conference on Management, 21-24 DEC 2013, Ghaziabad


December 21-24, 2013
IMT-Ghaziabad, Delhi NCR INDIA.

Theme: "Managing Organizations in Digital Era" 
Important Dates: 
Abstract Submission: OCT 31, 2013.
Early Registration: OCT 31, 2013.
Full paper Submission: NOV 14, 2013.
Conference Brochure

AIMS-BIMTECH Doctoral Student Paper Competition: As a part of the Conference, we are organizing its tenth doctoral student paper competition.  Those who are either currently students or have recently completed their doctorate (2012 or later) are encouraged to participate in the Competition.The top three winners will be given citations/ certificates. The competition is sponsored by Birla Institute of Management Technology, Bhubaneshwar. 

For additional information, please contact: Dr. Prithvi Yadav, Chairman, Doctoral Student Paper Competition, BIMTECH, Bhubaneshwar, director.bbsr@bimtech.ac.in

Thursday, October 17, 2013

International Conference on Aging Well (ICAW) 2014, 17-19, JAN 2014, Cochin

Dates: 17-19, JAN 2014

Organiser/ Venue: SCMS-COCHIN, SCMS Campus, Prathap Nagar, Muttom, Aluva, Cochin - 683 106 (Kerala) INDIA.

a) Theme I: Social Challenges of Aging 
Subthemes: Dementia - Assessment and Management, Exploitation of the Elderly,       Productive aging and Quality of life, Relocation blues, Residential aged care.
b) Theme II: Managerial Challenges of Aging 
Subthemes: Financial Gerontology, Financing Longevity, Elderly Engagement, Ageless Marketing

GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION: Only original, unpublished work is sought. Any proposal submitted to present identical or substantially similar work either already published or under review for another conference or publication may not be considered.

In the covering letter accompanying the abstract, the contributors should certify that manuscript has neither been published nor is being considered presently for publication anywhere.

ABSTRACT: Abstract (not exceeding 300 words) should reach us latest by 31st October 2013 in soft copy and hard copy.
Submission should include a separate title page which clearly indicates the name(s) of the author(s), affiliation(s), complete mailing address(es), telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address(es) and title of the paper.
For preparation of this manuscript, the author(s) is requested to follow APA Citation Style.

FULL PAPER: Acceptance of the abstract would be notified by 14th November, 2013. The complete paper (not exceeding 3000 words) should reach us latest by 1st December, 2013 in soft copy & hard copy. Few selected papers would be considered to be published as Conference Volume on the occasion and/or in SCMS Journal.
All submissions need to be emailed to icaw@scmsgroup.org
Dr. Radha Thevannoor,
The Conference Convener, ICAW 2014, SCMS Campus, Prathap Nagar, Muttom, Aluva,
Cochin -683 106, Kerala, India.
Ph: +91 484 2623803, 2623804, 2623885, 2623887, 2626153, 2626154.
Email id: icaw@scmsgroup.org

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Training Course on Research Methodology in Social Sciences for Ph. D. Research Scholars, NOV 26 to DEC 5, 2013, Ujjain

November 26 to December 5, 2013
Organiser/Venue: M.P. Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain (MPISSR).
Sponsored by: Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi. 
Participants: Doctoral research scholars and young faculties pursuing research in social science disciplines. 
Last Date: Applications are invited on or before 31 October, 2013. 
Selection: Only short-listed candidates will be informed for participation in the course. Lodging and Boarding will be arranged by the Institute only for the participants for the course period. Travel will be reimbursed to outstation participants.
Sh. Tapas K. Dalapati, Course Coordinator, 098273-78447, tapas273@gmail.com
Prof. Yatindra Singh Sisodia, Course Director, 094253-80127, yatindra15@yahoo.com

10 days’ Research Methodology Workshop in Social Sciences, 12-21 NOV, 2013, CUHP

10 days’ Research Methodology Workshop in Social Sciences

12 - 21 November, 2013

About: School of Education, Central University of Himachal Pradesh is going to organise 10 days’ Research Methodology Workshop in Social Sciences from 12th November to 21st November 2013 under the sponsorship of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New  Delhi.

The registered Research Scholars in Social Sciences areas who are pursuing Ph.D from any University in Himachal Pradesh State and in neighbouring States can apply for this Workshop. All the selected outstation participants will be paid TA & DA as per ICSSR norms. Accommodation and food will be provided for all the participants for 10 days by the organisers free of charge. Research Scholars of any category can apply. The candidates may apply on the prescribed application form as given below.
The duly filled in form should be sent to the Course Director latest by 25th October 2013.
Forms can be downloaded from university website: http://cuhimachal.ac.in/news/20131003152938688.pdf
Selection: The selection will be made on the basis of first come, first serve.
Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Eligibility: He / She should be a registered PhD Scholar in any University.
The participants have to bring their proof of Identity from their respective Institution.
The Scanned copies of the application form can be sent through the email given below and the Hard Copies of application form through post to the address given below.
Last Date: for Submission of Application form 25th October 2013
Contact Course Director: Dr. Arbind K. Jha, Dean, School of Education, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, P.B. No. 21, Dharamshala, District- Kangra, Himachal Pradesh - 176215.
Email: drarbind1@gmail.comanueducation@gmail.com
Mobile: 08894519006, 09805196290, 09805701199
Office: 01892- 237285/8/9- Ext- 306

XIV National Conference on Women's Studies, 4th -7th February 2014, Guwahati

4th -7th February 2014
THEME: "Equality, Pluralism and the State:Perspectives from the Women's Movement"
Organisers: Indian Association for Women's Studies in collaboration with Gauhati University, Cotton College State University, Guwahati, Tata Institute for Social Sciences, Guwahati and North Eastern Network.
CONTACT: IAWS Central Office and XIV Conference Secretariat.
C/o Centre for Women's Development Studies,
25, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, New Delhi - 110001Tel: 011-23365541, 011-23366930; Fax: 011-23346044
Email: (IAWS Secretariat) iaws.secretariat@gmail.com; iaws@cwds.org
Local Conference Secretariat, Guwahati: iawsgu2014@gmail.com
Tel: 0361-2672449

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

ICS-HYI Fellowship for China Studies

About: Applications are invited from Indian citizens for a multi-year doctoral fellowship in China Studies, starting in September 2014 and sponsored jointly by the Institute ofChinese Studies, Delhi (ICS) and the Harvard-Yenching Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts (HYI).
The applicants will already be registered in a PhD programme in an Indian university or applying to a PhD programme in the social sciences or humanities including anthropology, archaeology, cultural studies, economics, geography, history, international relations, language and literature, legal history, philosophy, political sciences, religion, and sociology, and would have adopted a specific China focus in their studies.
Fellowship: Rs 30,000 per month (subject to certain conditions_please see the advertisement).
The applicant will submit by e-mail to info@icsin.org
a) CV with academic record, awards, contact details
b) Academic transcripts from MA-level onwards (scanned copies)
c) PhD research proposal submitted to or approved by the university
d) Statement of purpose, detailing candidate’s interest in China and relevance of the PhD proposal for Chinese studies or India-China comparative studies
e) Proof of relevant language capability, if applicable (scanned copies)
f) Three signed references on official letterheads, at least two of which must be from academics in universities or scholars in research institutions to be sent separately to info@icsin.org
Applications incomplete in any respect will not be considered.
Last date: for receiving applications, including references: 15 November 2013.
Announcement of candidates selected for interview: 15 December 2013
Interviews on: 10 January 2014
Announcement of final list of selected candidates: 10 February 2014
Start of Fellowship stipend in India: March 2014 (for continuing PhDs students), September 2014 (for those yet to begin their PhD programmes)
Start of Fellowship in China: September 2014
For further enquiries please contact info@icsin.org

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium NOTIC: https://www.ugc.gov...