Sunday, November 30, 2014

PhD Positions at the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) in Social and Agricultural Sciences

PhD Positions at the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD) in Social and Agricultural Sciences

Call for applications
Application Deadline: 15 February 2015.
Scholarship Start: 1 May 2015.
The ICDD is an interdisciplinary and international scientific network of excellence with the head office located at the University of Kassel (Germany) and partner universities in Latin America, Africa and Asia. It co-operates closely with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and various NGOs. The ICDD is funded by the programme “ex)/(ceed – Higher Education Excellence in Development Cooperation” launched by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In the framework of its Graduate School of Socio-Ecological Research for Development, the ICDD invites students from ODA recipient countries (countries eligible for Official Development Assistance of the OECD) to apply for a PhD scholarship position in a particular academic field at an ICDD partner university:
  • Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil, in economics,
  • University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana, in development studies,
  • Egerton University (EGU), Kenya, in agricultural science,
  • University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), Pakistan, in agricultural science, 
  • University of Kassel, Germany, in agricultural science,
  • University of Kassel, Germany, in the social sciences,
  • Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), India, in labour studies,
  • University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), South Africa, in sociology.

The ICDD supports research in four main thematic areas to which PhD projects must relate:
  1. Decent work along agricultural value chains
  2. Organizing the informal economy
  3. Extractivism and rural welfare
  4. Rural-urban linkages: transformation processes, livelihoods, and social protection

Scholarship: PhD students of the ICDD Graduate School will be based at the partner university they chose (see above) and enrolled in its PhD training programme. Moreover, successful candidates participate in the annual PhD workshops of the ICDD Graduate School and get involved in the lively academic exchange and activities within the ICDD network.

The PhD scholarship will be awarded for three years. An extension for a fourth year is possible under certain conditions. The scholarships will cover a country-specific monthly allowance, tuition fees (if applicable), the participation in ICDD Graduate School activities as well as the opportunity to apply for field research funding. Final admission to the ICDD Graduate School is conditioned on the admittance to the PhD programme of the chosen ICDD partner university and a positive progress evaluation by the ICDD in the first scholarship year.

Application Requirements

  • A completed or almost completed MA/MSc degree, with excellent results, in a discipline related to the above topics; the applicant’s last academic degree should not be more than six years ago; if an applicant already started with his/her PhD project, it should have started not more than three years ago
  • A high proficiency of English (CEFR level: C1 or above), demonstrated by one of the following language certificates: TOEFL, with a minimum score of 550 PBT (paper-based test) / 80 IBT (Internet-based test); IELTS 6.5 or above; the Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English or an equivalent (native speakers and applicants who have completed their first degree fully in English do not have to provide an English proficiency certificate)
  • Academic or vocational experience in one of the disciplines related to the thematic field of development and decent work
  • Citizenship of an ODA recipient country (countries eligible for Official Development Assistance of the OECD)

Application Procedure

1.) Online Application
Applications can only be submitted online: Click here to access the online application form
Apart from providing some personal information, information on your academic background etc., the following documents must be uploaded as PDF or WORD files at the end of the online application process:
  • A detailed curriculum vitae (including the academic background, the list of publications [if applicable], professional experience, language skills, voluntary work)
  • A preliminary PhD project proposal (about 2000 words, including topic, research question, short overview of the relevant literature, theoretical approach, research design and methodology)
  • A summary of the Master thesis (about 1500 words)
  • Scanned copy of an English proficiency certificate, if required
  • Scanned copies of the following documents in the original language with translations attached, if the language of these documents is not German, English, French, Spanish or Portuguese:
    • The certificate and transcript of records of your recognised Master degree, listing all subjects and grades (if you have not yet completed your Master degree, please provide only the transcript and substitute the certificate with a letter from the programme coordinator testifying the date and likelihood of the successful completion of the course)
    • The certificate and transcript of records of your recognised Bachelor degree, listing all subjects and grades
    • Certificates for the completion of additional studies, listing all subjects and grades, if applicable
    • Scanned copies of certificates of previous professional/vocational experience, if applicable.
Please submit your complete application no later than 15 February 2015, 12:00 pm (GMT + 01:00).  
Applications submitted after this deadline cannot be processed.
2.)Two letters of recommendation: Apart from your application, two recent letters of recommendation must be provided from professors or course instructors qualified to assess your academic achievements. The referees must sign the letter and send it as a scanned copy from the referee´s email account to:
Alternatively, the letters of reference can be sent in a sealed envelope by post directly to:
Executive Director of the International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel, Kleine Rosenstr. 1-3, 34109 Kassel, Germany.

The letter of recommendation must also arrive at the ICDD no later than 15 February 2015.
If you are selected for admission, officially authenticated photocopies of all the documents and translations will have to be presented.
For further information contact the ICDD Graduate School staff
Phone: + 49 (0)561 804 7395

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Call For Manuscripts: from Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed/Refereed/Juried OA International Journals at

Call For Manuscripts from Monthly Double-Blind Peer Reviewed/ Refereed/ Juried OA International Journals at

Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, ProQuest, EBSCO Publishing, Cabell's Directories of Publishing Opportunities, OpenJ-Gate, EconLit, etc.

Submission: You may submit the soft copy of unpublished novel; original; empirical and high quality research work/manuscript anytime in M.S. Word format after preparing the same as per the GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION; at or online by clicking the link online submission as given on our website (FOR ONLINE SUBMISSION, CLICK HERE)
SUBJECT AREAS: Pertaining to recent developments & practices in the areas of Computer Science & Applications; Commerce; Business; Finance; Marketing; Human Resource Management; General Management; Banking; Economics; Tourism Administration & Management; Edu. [B. Ed., M. Ed., M. Phil. (Edu.) & Ph. D. (Edu)]; Law; Library & Information Science; Defence & Strategic Studies; Electronic Science; Corporate Governance; Industrial Relations; and emerging paradigms in allied subjects like Accounting; Accounting Information Systems; Accounting Theory & Practice; Auditing; Behavioral Accounting; Behavioral Economics; Corporate Finance; Cost Accounting; Economic Development; Economic History; Financial Institutions & Markets; Financial Services; Fiscal Policy; Government & Non Profit Accounting; Industrial Organization; International Economics & Trade; International Finance; Macro Economics; Micro Economics; Rural Economics; Co-operation; Demography: Development Planning; Development Studies; Econometrics; Applied Economics; Development Economics; Business Economics; Monetary Policy; Public Policy Economics; Real Estate; Regional Economics; Political Science; Continuing Edu.; Labour Welfare; Philosophy; Psychology; Sociology; Tax Accounting; Advertising & Promotion Management; Management Information Systems (MIS); Business Law; Public Responsibility & Ethics; Communication; Direct Marketing; E-Commerce; Global Business; Health Care Administration; Labour Relations & Human Resource Management; Marketing Research; Marketing Theory & Applications; Non-Profit Organizations; Office Administration/Management; Operations Research/Statistics; Organizational Behavior & Theory; Organizational Development; Production/Operations; International Relations; Human Rights & Duties; Public Administration; Population Studies; Purchasing/Materials Management; Retailing; Sales/Selling; Services; Small Business Entrepreneurship; Strategic Management Policy; Technology/Innovation; Tourism & Hospitality; Transportation Distribution; Algorithms; Artificial Intelligence; Compilers & Translation; Computer Aided Design (CAD); Computer Aided Manufacturing; Computer Graphics; Computer Organization & Architecture; Database Structures & Systems; Discrete Structures; Internet; Management Information Systems; Modeling & Simulation; Neural Systems/Neural Networks; Numerical Analysis/Scientific Computing; Object Oriented Programming; Operating Systems; Programming Languages; Robotics; Symbolic & Formal Logic; Web Design and emerging paradigms in allied subjects.

Publication Fees: The publication fee is 1450 INR for authors working/studying in India and 2300 INR to 6300 INR or 40 $ (Forty U.S. Dollars) to 100 $ (Hundred U.S. Dollars) for the other authors is payable for manuscript ACCEPTED for publication irrespective of the number of authors in the same, which will be billed to the corresponding author only.Additional fee of 100 INR OR 2 $ (Two U.S. Dollars) will also be charged from the author, whose manuscript is not as per the guidelines of the journal, well available on the website of the journal under the heading Guidelines for submission. The amount of fee charged by the journal is lower than most of the e-journals. The publication fee must be paid prior to its publication. There is no restriction on the length of research papers and reviews, although a concise manuscript is desirable. Coloured figures will not be charged extra. The article accepted for publication will be processed further towards publication after the author pays the publication fee. 
If anybody do not have funds to pay publication fee, he/she will have an opportunity to request the Editor for fee waiver through the Head of his/her Institution/Department/University along with the reasons, because IJRCM does not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work, however Publication fee waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis to authors who lack funds. To apply for a waiver or discount, one can request before the submission and no such requests can be made after the submission.

CONTACT: Superintendent for Co-ordinator,, Number 458, Sethni Street
Devi Bhawan Bazar, JAGADHRI - 135 003, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana, INDIA.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

National Level Young Researchers Workshop, 22-23 JAN, 2015, Hyderabad


National Level Young Researchers Workshop 

"Against Method? Methodological Challenges for Social Science Research Today".

Dates: 22-23 January 2015.
Organiser: Research Scholars Forum, Department of Sociology, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad.
Venue: Conference Hall, School of Social Sciences, University of Hyderabad.
Last Date: 30/11/2014.

About: Research Scholars Forum at the Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad is organising a Young Researchers Workshop on “Against Method? Methodological Challenges for Social Science Research Today” between 22 and 23 January 2015.  With this workshop we wish to provide a platform for the fellow young researchers in their MPhil/PhD programmes to debate and dialogue on the methodological challenges in doing empirical research in social sciences in a postcolonial country like India. It would be immensely helpful for us, if you could get this invitation circulated in your department.

Social inquiry, as a pursuit of truth, usually attempts to locate itself within the existing debate in the area of research, while engaging in a critical dialogue with the theoretical and methodological standpoints that have taken precedence. Meanwhile, what it means to think sociologically and to practice sociology have been points of contestation amongst scholars over generations. What is more, there is a conscious endeavour on the part of the academia to clearly mark the boundaries of sociological pursuit, whereby debates on subjectivity and objectivity, value biasedness and value neutrality, induction and deduction, among others, are strongly prevalent. These essential dimensions lead us in asking, whether sociological research has succumbed to a theory-practice binary?
Furthermore, can method be restricted to enquiry and theory to justification? Or can tools of inquiry be independently developed and deployed without theoretically positing them on the bedrock of the social context? In other words, how organic is the relationship between the researcher, the researched, the methods and the theory?
Keeping the above concerns at the backdrop, the Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad is organizing a national-level Young Researchers’ Workshop from 22 to 23 January, 2015. This workshop will offer research scholars a) an opportunity to deliberate on how to imbricate their fieldwork with decisions about which theoretical perspectives to deploy; b) receive feedback on their fieldwork and initial findings from experts who have worked in their subject areas; and c) provide a context for young researchers from around India to present their work and debate with their peers.

We invite abstracts from scholars enrolled in MPhil and PhD programmes in universities in India. Preference will be given to MPhil scholars who are close to submitting their dissertations and PhD scholars at middle to advanced stages of their research. We have limited number of slots and as the emphasis of the workshop is on methodological implications of imbibing emerging paradigms, researchers working on newer orientations, and methods will be given preference. Scholars are invited to submit abstracts deliberating the impact on methods/theory in such a scenario, particularly those who work on the interface between social sciences

Abstract details: Kindly submit via e-mail a 300 words abstract, with a title, your name, institutional affiliation, email address and phone number. The deadline for abstracts is 30th November 2014 and you will be intimated about selection by 7th December 2014. Full papers of 5000 words should be submitted by 30th December 2014.
E-mail your abstracts to

Use the following format to submit your abstracts.Name:
Institutional Affiliation: Research Programme details: Email address:
Phone number:
Title of the paper:

Participation details: Travel and accommodation will be provided to out-station participants (presenters only) which include sleeper-class railway fare, and accommodation in the university guest-house. Lunch on the two workshop days is available to all presenters.
Workshop format: Each day of the workshop will have four sessions with a lunch break and two tea breaks. Each session will have two presentations by research scholars of about 30 minutes each, followed by the response of the expert/ senior scholar. The expert’s response will be followed by an open discussion of about 20 minutes when the other participants can raise questions and offer suggestions to the two paper presenters.
The last date for receiving abstracts is 30th November 2014.


Ms.Ipsita Pradhan, Workshop Coordinator, Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad. Email: Phone: +91-7680890077

Ms.Aleena Sebastian, Phone: +91-9885106006

12th International Congress on English Grammer, 19-23 JAN, 2015

12th International Congress on English Grammer

 19-23 January 2015
Dr. Babasahed Ambedkar Marathwada University
Aurangabad, Maharashtra,  India

Mahesh Modi Environmental Technology Award 2015

Mahesh Modi Environmental Technology Award 2015

Prizes: First prize of Rs. 1,25,000, Second Prize of Rs 75,000 and Third prize of Rs. 50,000. 
Last Date: 30/11/2014.
Mahesh Modi Environmental Technology Award Application Format

With the objective to foster technological innovation based on innovative science, ARAI has launched the Mahesh Modi Environmental Technology Award in association with Modi Measurements Pvt Ltd.  It is launched to recognize the efforts of individuals or groups in meeting the challenges posed by environmental conservation requirements. Continuous encouragement needs to be provided to innovators in the environmental field to unleash and realize their creative potential. Besides, those who succeeded in successfully implementing their ideas for the benefit of society need to be honoured.
Modi Measurement Systems Pvt Limited (MMSPL) was founded in 1966 by Shri. Mahesh Modi who was the first entrepreneur to introduce Integrated Circuits in India. As a futuristic visionary, in 1975, Shri. Modi took a big leap into the field of environmental science measuring technology. MMSPL continued to strengthen its position under Shri. Mahesh Modi’s dynamic leadership and is today regarded in India, as a pioneer and trusted business partner serving the Indian Automotive Industry, by providing exhaust emission reduction related environmental technologies for meeting regulations to help preserve the environment.
The award is to encourage scientists, mobility engineers and technologists for development of innovative technologies and products that are amongst the best in the world and enhance India's Environment. Automobile related technologies leading to products, processes and services, which improve India’s environment, are considered for the award. Besides, the technological innovation must simultaneously help broaden interactions among academia, R&D, test agencies and industry. The award will constitute First prize of Rs. 1,25,000, Second Prize of Rs 75,000 and Third prize of Rs. 50,000. The awards will be given during Valedictory session of SIAT 2015 (Symposium on International Automotive Technology) at ARAI-Pune tentatively on 23rd Jan 2015.

We invite you or your associates to apply for this award and thus participate in the innovation initiative. The application format and eligibility criteria is attached herewith. The completed applications need to be sent to Mr. Sushil.  S. Ramdasi, General Manager, Powertrain Engineering Department ,Tel: +91-20-3023-1434, Email: by hard & soft copy latest by 30th November 2014.


Dr. K. C. Vora
Convener SIAT-2015
Vice President, SAEINDIA
Sr. Dy. Director & Head, ARAI Academy

The Automotive Research Association of India
(Research Institution of the Automotive Industry
with the Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises, Govt. of India)
Phone: +91-20-3023 1190.
Fax: +91-20-30231104

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium NOTIC: