Friday, August 28, 2015

International Conclaveon Innovations in Engineering & Management (ICIEM-2016): 24-25/02/2016, OMAN.

International Conclave on Innovations in Engineering & Management (Oman Vision 2020: Opportunities & Challenges (ICIEM-2016)

on February 24-25, 2016, (Revised Date) 

by  the Waljat College of Applied Sciences (BIT International Centre), Muscat. 

Waljat College of Applied Sciences is founded by Dr. Omar Al-Zawawi in Muscat, (OMAN) In Academic Partnership with Birla Institute of Technology, India, with a distinct mission to develop knowledgeable and socially responsible citizens with competence, skills and motivation that are capable to take responsible positions n different sectors of the economy and also to promote high International Quality Education in Oman. 

Submission Deadline: Submit your abstract  latest by September 30, 2015  and full paper by October 30, 2015. 

GUIDELINES: Authors are requested to submit their paper on easy chair website mentioned below:

Font Size: 
i) Times New Roman = 12             ii) Spacing = 1.5


 i) Non-Technical Papers     = APA Style 
ii) Technical papers              = IEEE Style of Reference            

i) Authors are requested to adhere the guidelines or else paper will not be published in the proceeding.
ii) Authors are requested to check plagiarism before sending the paper. Organizer will not be responsible for any plagiarism if found in the paper.
iii) Only selected paper will be published in the conclave proceeding.
iv) Best Paper Award will be given based on the recommendations of the committee.
v) Papers presented in absentia are also eligible to be included in the conclave proceedings provided the registration fee RO 30.00 for faculty members and RO 20.00 for research scholars is paid by the author.
Editorial Board: Mail:
ICIEM-2016 - Brochure

Editorial Board
Prof. (Dr.) S. L. Gupta, Dean, Waljat College of Applied Sciences,
(BIT International Centre), Muscat.
E-MAIL: Phone No. 00968-24449193 (Direct)

Dr S D Khan, Coordinator-ICIEM-2016, Waljat College of Applied Sciences,
BIT International Centre, Rusayl, KOM, Muscat,Sultanate of Oman,
Tele:0968-24446660/24449194, Fax:0968-24449196-97
GSN: 0968-95869053,Mail:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Call for Papers: International Journal of Arts and Commerce [1929-7106]

Call for Papers: International Journal of Arts and Commerce

Call for Paper
International Journal of Arts and Commerce
ISSN:  1929-7106
International Journal of Arts and Commerce is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal that is published by the Centre for Enhancing Knowledge, UK. International Journal of Arts and Commerce providing a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews. International Journal of Arts and Commerce welcomes and acknowledges high quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, technical note from researchers, academicians, professional,  practitioners and students from all over the world.

The Journal Publishes in both print and online version.

International Journal of Arts and Commerce publishes research paper in the field of finance, accounting, banking, economics, marketing,  management, human resources management, entrepreneurship development,  international business, hotel and tourism, business ethics, international relations, law, development studies, population studies, political science, history, journalism and mass communication, corporate governance, visual arts, music, linguistics, cross-cultural studies, public administration, psychology, philosophy, sociology, women studies, religious studies, social welfare, anthropology, linguistics, education.

IJAC is inviting papers for Vol. 4 No. 7 which is scheduled to be published on 12 September 2015.
Send your manuscript to the editor at, or

CONTACT: Chief Editor, Dr. Andrew Christopher, International Journal of Arts and

Submission deadline : 02 September 2015.

SOURCE: IJAC website (20/06/2015).

Tuesday, August 18, 2015



16th & 17th September, 2015.
Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh is organizing a two-day’s National Seminar in collaboration with ICAI on “Recent Advances in Accounting, Commerce and Taxation” to be held on Sept.16th & 17th 2015.Tremendous developments are taking place in the field of accounting, commerce and taxation as the world becomes one single business place crossing the physical boundaries of the countries. Accounting standards of countries are being replaced by international accounting standards to bring resemblance in accounting information worldwide. Changes in competition and technology, and the economic deregulation of industry in many countries, have placed significant strains on organizations which have asked for developments in the accounting, finance and taxation.

For further details, please visit:
Conference Tracks: Invited submission of original, unpublished, conceptual, empirical research papers and case studies including but not limited to the following topics:
  1. International Financial Reporting Standards
  2. Auditing Standards
  3. Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
  4. Direct Tax Code
  5. Goods and Service Tax in India
  6. Limited Liability Partnership
  7. Corporate Governance
  8. Companies Act, 2013
  9. Modern Accounting System
  10. International Capital Market
  11. Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002
  12. Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015.
  13. Financial Inclusion
  14. Corporate Social Responsibility
  15. Global Meltdown 
Important Dates
1.     Receipt of Abstract                                        20th August 2015
2.     Receipt of full length                                     30th August 2015
3.     Date of Registration                                       4th September 2015
*Note: The selected registered papers will be published in the Conference proceeding/in the edited book bearing ISBN no.
Contact persons:
Ms. Preeti Garg, Organizing Secretary, Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh,
Email:, Mobile No.+91-9971697490.
Ms. Lochan Sharma, Amity College of Commerce and Finance, Amity University Uttar Pradesh
Email: Mobile No. +919718666565.
Source: from my email messages.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Melbourne International Business and Social Sciences Research Conference (MIBSRC) 2015

Melbourne International Business and Social Sciences Research Conference (MIBSRC) 2015

Dates:  2 – 4 October
Conference Venue: Hotel Bay View on the Park Hotel
52 Queens Road, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Conference Web:
Abstract submission deadline: 17 August 2015

CALL FOR PAPERS: Melbourne International Business and Social Science Research Conference (MIBSRC) 2015 aims to provide an opportunity to academics and practitioners around the world to discuss and share the contemporary issues of business and social science research. The proposed conference provides an outlet for high quality research in all areas of accounting, , CSR, finance, economics, econometrics, education, information technology, Islamic finance and Sharia, law, management, marketing, social business and multidisciplinary.
CONFERENCE THEME: The broad theme of the conference is ‘innovation in research and research training’. Australian Academy of Business Leadership (AABL) recognises the importance of ‘innovation in research to promote publication excellence.

BEST PAPERS AWARDS AND BENEFITS: Best Paper Awards (value A$500) and one Best Student Paper Award (value A$300) from several tracks will be conferred at the conference. In order to qualify for an award, the author must submit a full paper to the conference and it must be presented at the conference. The authors of best papers will also get certificates.
  • Participants can also enjoy a range of benefits, e.g. getting a fellow membership of AABL, which will allow them to enjoy a 10% discount on any future AABL event.
CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Conference proceedings based on the accepted abstracts of the registered participants will also be prepared and published online, with ISBN 978-0-9942714-1-9, on Friday the 18 September 2015.
PAPER SUBMISSION: To submit your abstract or full paper please visit conference website 
Alternatively, submissions can be made via e-mail to:
Download Call for Papers in PDF

Thursday, August 13, 2015



(A Monthly International Journal)


Online: ISSN 2277–5684 Print: ISSN 2320-866X
[September 2015 Issue]

Articles are called for publication throughout the year.
Authors can submit their papers/articles through the e-mail address:

PUBLICATION POLICY: Our policy is to promote and publish quality research articles among teachers, scholars and professionals around the world.

Journal of Exclusive Management Science (JEMS) is an international peer blind reviewed journal. It will be published On-Line and Print Every Month.

Last date of submission of Articles/Papers: 28th Day of Every Month*.

*If accepted after review, authors concerned will be communicated of the month of publication of their Articles/Papers.

ABOUT JEMS: JEMS, as an international journal, provides a unique platform to scholars, academicians, practitioners, and business managers to share their valuable knowledge and the findings of their research. The main objective of JEMS is to promote and support education and research in the field of commerce, management and administration. The objective of JEMS is to bring people from the academia and business world closer so that they can share the latest developments in the fields of Management science. It also aims to establish better understanding among policymakers and other stakeholders of education and research.

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium NOTIC: