Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Training Programme on Role of ICT in driving Government Performance March 12-16, 2018, Kanyakumari

Training Programme on Role of ICT in driving Government Performance

March 12-16, 2018



ABOUT: National Productivity Council is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India. NPC Plays a catalytic role in productivity promotion by undertaking consultancy, training and research assignments in frontier areas of management and technology oriented disciplines. National Productivity Council is organizing residential training program on “Role of ICT in driving Government Performance” from March 12-16, 2018 at Kanyakumari.

The programme is designed for officials working across different functional areas of management including administration, finance, personnel & training/HRD, etc. from state and central Governments departments/ministries, Public Sector Units, Financial Institutions and/or Academic Institutions. The details of the programme and their coverage are provided with brochure enclosed herewith.
NOMINATION AND PARTICIPANT FEES: We are sure that your organization would take advantage of this opportunity by sponsoring delegates to the programme. Nomination indicating the name(s) of the participants, designation, contact address, e-mail id, phone/mobile number and FAX number etc. along with a crossed cheque/demand draft of participation fees on residential basis is Rs 47,000/- plus 18% GST Per Participant. The Non-residential participation fees will be Rs. 35000/- plus 18% GST per participant.
If your Organization/Department comes under the Notification No. 9/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate) dated  28th June, 2017 Serial No. 75, Heading 9992 (Services provided to Central Government, State Government, Union territory administration under any training programme for which total expenditure is borne by the Central Government, State Government, Union Territory administration is exempted from IGST) favouring “National Productivity Council” and payable at New Delhi may be forwarded to the undersigned [Shri. Nikhil Panchbhai].

1. Shri. Nikhil Panchbhai
Group Head (IT), National Productivity Council
(Under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India)
5-6 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi -110003
Ph.No: (011)24607321/ 011-24607319
Mobile: 09868751912
2. Ms. Usha Singh 
JFO (IT&KM), National Productivity Council
(Under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India)
5-6 Institutional Area, Lodi Road, New Delhi -110003
Ph.No: 011-24607319
Mobile:- 09868751912
Source: An email Message received from NPC and NPC Website accessed from (24/01/2018)

Friday, January 19, 2018

Three days National Level Workshop on "Research Methodology, Statistical Data Analysis and Interpretation" using SPSS & AMOS, 9th-11th February, 2018, Chennai

Research Methodology: It is often necessary to include a consideration of the concepts and theories which underlie the methods. For instance, if you intend to highlight a specific feature of a sociological theory or test an algorithm for some aspect of information retrieval, or test the validity of a particular system, you have to show that you understand the underlying concepts of the methodology.
When you describe your methods it is necessary to state how you have addressed the research questions and/or hypotheses. The methods should be described in enough detail for the study to be replicated, or at least repeated in a similar way in another situation. Every stage should be explained and justified with clear reasons for the choice of your particular methods and materials. There are many different ways to approach the research that fulfils the requirements of a dissertation. These may vary both within and between disciplines. It is important to consider the expectations and possibilities concerning research in your own field. You can do this by talking to your tutors and looking at dissertations written by former students on your course.
Data Analysis: Preliminary data visualizations including histograms, boxplots, density plots etc. Summary statistics, correlation, simple regressions, analysis of variance, cluster analysis, principal component and factor analysis (depending on the level of statistical expertise of the participants). 

Source:: [19.01.2018]

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

Tata Centre Symposium 2018 on 'Innovate to Transform' 17th & 18th January, 2018, VMCC, IIT Bombay, Mumbai.

Venue: VMCC, IIT Bombay. 
Host: Tata Centre for Technology and Design (TCTD), IIT-Bombay.

About TCTD Symposium: TCTD Symposium 2018 is the first annual conclave hosted by Tata Centre for Technology and Design (TCTD) at IIT Bombay, to showcase the technological solutions, ongoing interdisciplinary collaborations, institute-industry work agreements, joint projects with the faculty members from IIT Bombay and its sister centre MIT, USA, and the Tata Fellows’ engagement with the projects.

The theme – `Innovate to Transform’ – is expected to take on the challenges that academic institutions and stakeholders face in driving social innovation for better impact. Talks by experts, panel discussions, lightning presentations by faculty members from both IIT Bombay and MIT associated with Tata Centre, poster presentations by the Tata Fellows, and interactions with the IITB-MIT faculty members, are on the agenda at this event.

The projects covered under the seven domains of Tata Centre – Healthcare, Food & Agriculture, Energy, Waste Management, Education, Housing and Water – will be discussed in sessions across the symposium.
Read more…

Registration: Innovate to Transform is an invite only event, there’s no registration fee.

Tata Centre For Technology and Design,
2nd Floor, L2, Lecture Hall Complex (LHC),
Opp. KReSIT, IIT Bombay,
Powai, Mumbai – 400076, India

For any queries
Call: +91 22 25765901

Source: [08/01/2018]

Wednesday, January 3, 2018





Call for Papers: We feel privileged to inform you that we are going to publish a book entitled “ICT for Library Management in Changing Environment” with ISBN You are requested to contribute your original research paper/articles for the book.

Theme: ICT for Library Management in Changing Environment"


  • New Concept of Management
  • HRM: Organization, Motivation, Training & Development
  • Financial Management: Resource Mobilization, Cost Effectiveness and Cost Benefit Analysis
  • Total Quality Management: LIS Related Standards
  • Library House Keeping Operations: Different Sections of LICs and Use of IT in different Sections
  • Management Information Systems and Library Management
  • IT application and Library Management

  • Any other topic related to the main theme

Guidelines for Preparation & Submission of Article/Paper

The first page of the manuscript should include the following information –

  • The name(s) of the author(s) and their professional affiliations
  • Postal address of the corresponding author
  • Phone number(s) of the corresponding author
  • Email address (s) of the corresponding author
  • Author(s) profile. The authors’ profile should be within 100 words.

  1. Title: The title of the paper should be in a 20 point Times New Roman Font. It should be bold typed and fully capitalized.
  2. Abstract: Abstract should be in fully italicized text, not exceeding 200 words. The abstract must explain background, aims, methods, results and conclusion.
  3. Keywords: Abstract must be followed by list of keywords (maximum 5 numbers).
  4. After that, the manuscript should be started with a brief Introduction of the paper, followed by Objectives, Significance, Methodology, Data Analysis, Findings, Recommendations, and Conclusion. Among all these, Introduction and Conclusion are two mandatory parts of any kind of manuscript and remaining parts depend on the nature of the manuscript and authors are free to adopt them as per their choice and requirement. Articles/ Papers should not be more than 6000 words inclusive of all notes, references, tables, annexure, and appendices.
  5. References must be in the APA format and carefully checked for completeness, accuracy and consistency.
  6. Formatting Guideline: Manuscript must be in English prepared on a standard A4 size paper setting with 3 cm margins on all sides. No Table/ Graph/ Picture should cross this margin. Font Type: Times New Roman. Font Size: Heading (Bold and 16 points), Sub-heading (Italics and 16 points), and Body (14 points). Line Spacing: 1.5 spaced.
  7. Submission of an Article/ Papers will be automatically considered as Declaration regarding originality of his/ her work and handing over the copyright of their work to the editor of the proposed book.

Complete manuscript should be submitted through email to:


Last date for Paper Submission: 25-01-2018

1. Dr. Sanjay Kr. Singh
Prof. & Head,
Department of Library Information Science,
Gauhati University,Guwahati
(M) 9435040402

2. Dr. Kishor Sarma
Dakshik Kamrup Girls College,
Mirza, Kamrup
(M) 9854147189

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year 2018 !!!

Dear Everyone,

Wishing you all
God bless you!

 warm regards,

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium NOTIC: