Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Short Duration Programme on "From Data to Decisions", 09 - 13 Dec, 2019, IIMB

Short Duration Programme on "From Data to Decisions"

09 - 13 Dec, 2019 

IIMB, Bengaluru

Early Bird Discount Date : 18 Nov, 19 (Avail 10% Discount)
Last date for registration: 29 Nov, 19

Overview: There is ever-increasing popularity of data and model based decision making in the business world. This programme is designed to equip the participants to identify appropriate analytics methodology depending on the problem objective, to carry out and properly interpret the results of the statistical analysis. While step-by-step instructions would be provided for the various standard analytic tools, conceptual foundation would be built along the way so as to facilitate the more advanced participants to fine-tune the requisite methods depending on the specific challenges of a problem. Participants would be split into small groups to work on data analytic projects that would be assigned to them. Learning from these projects will be the key take-away from this program. All computational implementations would be carried out using MS-Excel.

  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Probability and Probability Distributions
  • Sampling and Sampling Distribution
  • Estimators and their Standard error
  • Confidence interval estimation of population parameters
  • Testing of Hypothesis, significance values in decision making
  • Analysis of variance
  • Simple and Multiple regression, Correlation Coefficient
  • Data Analytics and Visualization
  • Introduction to more advanced statistical analytics
    (subject to time and interest)
  • Project work and presentations
Programme Fee and Payment:
INR 1,17,500/- Residential and INR 1,00,000/- Non -Residential (+ Applicable GST) per person for participants from India and its equivalent in US Dollars for participants from other countries.

Key Benefits/ Takeaways:
On completion of this course, the participants should be able to:
  • Understand the statistical principles and appreciate data analytics;
  • Formulate a problem objectively and meaningfully to facilitate objective analysis;
  • Carry out statistical analysis and inference using Excel;
  • Interpret the findings of the results in a meaningful way.

Early Bird Discount
Nominations received with payments on or before 18-Nov-19 will be entitled to an early bird Discount of 10%.
  • Early Bird Fee (Residential) INR 1,05,750/-(+ GST)
  • Early Bird Fee (Non-Residential) INR 90,000/-(+ GST)

Source: https://www.iimb.ac.in/eep/catalog?p-c-slug=SDP&s-c-slug=sdp-business-analytics&Ref=undefined (21/05/2019)

Monday, May 20, 2019

Digital tool aims to translate 2,000 African languages

Digital tool aims to translate 2,000 African languages

New digital platform aims to aid translation of African languages to spur access to global markets.

Digital tool aims to translate 2,000 African languages

By: Royal Uche

Speed read

  • About 52 native languages in Africa have undergone language death
  • New digital translation tool aims to translate about 2,000 African languages
  • It should be integrated into existing communication platforms such as WhatsApp, expert says

A digital platform called OBTranslate that aims to translate more than 2,000 African languages to enable rural dwellers to gain easy access to global markets has been launched.

According to its creator, 63 per cent of the population in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have access to global markets because of language barriers. 

“Over 52 native languages in Africa have undergone language death and have no native speakers,” said Emmanuel Gabriel, founder of Germany-based OpenBinacle, the creator of OBTranslate, which was launched this month. “OBTranslate can close communication gaps on the continent.”

“In the next five years, we hope to acquire thousands or millions of users to take up translation tasks on OBTranslate.”

Emmanuel Gabriel, OpenBinacle

The innovation resulted from an earlier messaging app that was built in 2017 to allow interaction in real-time translation of 26 African languages, but led to inaccurate outputs, Gabriel admitted.

“We were very frustrated about the messaging app, and as a result we didn’t want to come into the market with a bad product,” added Gabriel. “We decided to embark on building our own computer-assisted translation and machine learning platform and this gave birth to OBTranslate.”

According to Pangeanic, a global translation company based in Spain, a computer-assisted translation tool converts texts into smaller and translatable segments to facilitate quick and accurate translation.

“The segments can be recalled later on and thus the translator ensures that the terminology and writing style of the original is followed,” Pangeanic explains on its website. “It also provides savings when the material that needs translation is similar to previously translated material – you only pay for part of the sentence that has changed.”

Gabriel added: “We created OBTranslate with an innovative business model to guarantee that the tool is sustainable to pay everyone whose translations are very accurate. In the next five years, we hope to acquire thousands or millions of users to take up translation tasks on OBTranslate.”

Gabriel believes the platform could make a positive contribution to Africa’s economy and job creation efforts. However, because some technical issues still have to be resolved, the team has not yet enabled real-time translation by public users.

“We are working hard to ensure that when people present training materials in African languages … they don’t necessarily tell the machines what to look for. The system [should] find patterns themselves such as contextual clues around the source sentence,” he explained.
Source: https://www.scidev.net/global/ (20/05/2019)

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Goa University PG Admissions 2019-20 (GU-ART PG/B.Ed) + BLISc/MLISc

Goa University PG Admissions 2019-20 (GU-ART PG/B.Ed) + BLISc/MLISc


LAST DATE:for submission of application is Thursday 23rd May 2019 upto5:00 P.M

Admissions Portal Link:

Candidates are advised to use GUMS admissions portal on a Laptop or a Desktop computer and preferably avoid using on Mobile phone or Table

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium

Hon'ble Shri Dharmendra Pradhan Releases Draft UGC Regulations, 2025 & Inaugurates a New Auditorium NOTIC: https://www.ugc.gov...