Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Conference Call for Papers: ‘Rethinking Svaraj’ 15-17 January, 2015, MCPH), Manipal (Karnataka)

Conference Call for Papers: ‘Rethinking Svaraj’

Date: 15-17 January, 2015.
Organiser/Venue: Manipal Centre for Philosophy and Humanities (MCPH), Manipal, Karnataka INDIA.
In his ‘Svaraj in Ideas’, the philosopher K. C. Bhattacharya discusses the question of intellectual self-determination. (The lecture can be found at http://www.unipune.ac.in/snc/cssh/ipq/english/vol11_4.htm). Taking its point of department from Bhattacharya’s essay, this conference aims to create new philosophical knowledge regarding the concept of svaraj through an ontological rather than a political lens. Topics may include: the Kantian (or German idealist) conception of autonomy and KCB’s notion of self-determination; Bhattacharya on the ‘hybridization’ of ideas, and the contemporary hermeneutical tradition
(for instance, Gadamer); svaraj and the notion of self-creation in the Western philosophical tradition (e.g., Nietzsche); the possibility of decentring Gandhi on svaraj; etc.

Essays must make an original contribution to the topic; and must be explicitly situated within the Western tradition of philosophy. All contemporary philosophical approaches – hermeneutical, phenomenological, deconstructive, psychoanalytical, etc. – are welcome.

Please send essays no longer than 3,000 words (excluding footnotes) to: svaraj.mcph@gmail.com. To ensure blind reviewing, authors’ names and affiliations should not appear in the paper.

Paper presenters will be given 2nd AC train fare and free accommodation. Submissions from PhD scholars are encouraged, but will be evaluated on the same basis as regular contributions.

For a more detailed description of the conference, please visit: barefootphilosophers.wordpress.com.

Please contact Apaar Kumar (apaarkumar.mcph@gmail.com) for additional information.

The last date for submissions is: 15 October, 2014.

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