Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Faculty Development Program on Text Mining using R on March 28-30, 2019, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur (Rajasthant) INDIA

Faculty Development Program on Text Mining using R

March 28-30, 2019

Orgainsers: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur in association with Institute of Analytics (Headquarter at London)
Venue: Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur (Rajasthant) INDIA

Overview of Program: 

Huge amount of new information and data are generated everyday through economic, academic and social activities. Most of the data proliferating today is unstructured and text-heavy. Some typical sources of text data are data from Face Book, Twitter, Blogs etc. besides published reports. Text Mining can be considered as a sub set of Data Mining or Machine Learning where tidy data principles are applied for data wrangling and visualization and meaningful insights are surfaced through word-clouds, pattern recognition, correlation in words etc. Text Mining or NLP (Natural Language Processing) can be applied to analyse customer and competitor data for improving competitiveness, Pharmaceutical Industry explores drug discovery through mining of patents and research articles, within Academic Research, Text Mining is capable to deliver efficiencies and new knowledge in areas as diverse as Biological Science, Particle Physics, Media and Communications.

However, the skill sets for doing Text Mining is rare and still many who work in analytics fields are not trained in even simple interpretation of Natural Language. Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur, in association with Institute of Analytics- London has come up with a three days Faculty & Management Development Program for providing a hands-on training to aspirants in the domain of Text Mining/NLP.


Day 1
Basics of R Studio, R Environment, creating Vector, Matrices, Data Frames. Packages in Text Mining like tidyverse, tidyr, NLP, tm, dplyr, ggplot2, purr, stringr, topicmodels, etc.  
Day 2
Sentiment Analysis, Dictionaries – AFINN, Bing & NRC, Wordcloud, Term Frequency, Zipf’s Law, bind_tf_idf Function, Tokenization by N-gram, Bi-gram, Visualization of Network of Bigrams, Non Tidy Format.
Day 3
Cluster Analysis of Text, Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), Beta & Gamma, Confusion Matrix, Twitter Analysis, Case Study: Mining NASA Metadata.

The resource person for the program is Dr. Vinod Kumar Murti, Country Head (India), Institute of Analytics, Head Quarter at London. 

The brochure and registration form are attached for your kind perusal. I request you to kindly circulate the information among faculty colleagues and nominate faculty members and research scholars for this FDP. 

Nominations may please be sent to the undersigned at prashant.sharma@jaipuria.ac.in / +91-7568799687.

Prof. Prashant Sharma, Fellow (NIFM)
Assistant Professor
Program Director and Area Chair (Finance)
Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur
Source: Email message from the above said Group Head (IT), NPC, dated 09/02/2019

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