Friday, May 18, 2018

Training on 'Institutional Leadership and Academic Governance', 9-10th July 2018, University of Oxford, UK.

Training on 'Institutional Leadership and Academic Governance'

9-10th July, 2018.

Venue: Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK.


Introduction: Education is, perhaps, the most important change agent in a society .And accordingly; the institutions linked to education assume great importance for the cause of the welfare of the people. Unless the institutions deliver, progress on all fronts would be crippled. Given this context, institutional leadership and governance of academic institutions assume enormous significance. Research in this area has been plentiful and it suggests institutional failure as a major cause of societies going the wrong way and eventually degenerating.

The advent of globalization has not made things any easier, particularly, for the developing countries. Competition, wherever one looks, education included, has become the order of the day. This, in turn, means that the institutions and their characters have to be as per the dictates of these emerging scenarios.  To attain prosperity today, they must understand the threats and opportunities that globalization has brought. Stakeholders are more knowledgeable and information oriented. Institutions must respond to these challenges by being more creative and innovative. Governance pertaining to education must, therefore, give due attention to these situations.

Objectives of the programme: The programme aims to help participants sharpen the decision-making skills required for effective leadership. The main objectives of this short course would be to help the participants to:
  •  understand the nature of leadership in a dynamic environment
  •  look into new perspectives on institutional leadership
  •  Gain the knowledge, understanding and skills to improve their own      institutional performance.
  •  Develop appropriate methodologies to manage “change” in both national and international context.
Learning Outcome: It is hoped that after attending this week long programme on institutional leadership, the participants would deem it important to be “reflective” so far as their past actions are concerned. Research shows that this can increase managerial productivity and leadership quality substantially by restructuring some of the leadership attributes like values, attitudes, skills and above all, ethics.

People belonging to the upper strata of hierarchy often take things for granted.  Self–assessment is something that they would consider below their dignity. This is where the process of leadership takes an undesirable and less productive route.  Hopefully, the participants will appreciate this aspect of their work more meaningfully so that they become more focused on their future activities .This, in turn, would help them develop actionable strategies to give shape to organizational goals, their knowledge base having been broadened.

Programme Contents
  • Issues in educational leadership
  • Diversity management
  • Higher education funding and the trust strategy approach-the UK experience
  • Leadership management skills
  • Conflict resolution
  • Meditation and leadership.
Why Should You Attend?: There is no end to the learning process. Once a leader says – what is there new for me to learn – his/ her ability to arouse motivation in followers might be that much more limited because a very important parameter would get sidelined – the changing nature of the environment. Accordingly, at regular intervals, leaders/managers must engage themselves in “contemplation” – through programmes like these.

Who Should Attend?: This short course will be of value for all people with responsibility and authority to shape institutions and the wide range of   policies that go along with it.
  • Heads of higher educational and other academic institutions, Heads of departments, senior academics, Registrars.
  • Senior Marketing managers and other division managers involved in the formation and implementation of strategies.
  • Directors of educational institutions – public and private.
  • Senior administrators from public and private sector institutions.

The Course as A Package: Total cost, £950 for each person. This covers full accommodation for two days including breakfast, lunch and dinner, 2 days training, preparation and materials, attendance certificate, evening river cruise tour, and networking event.

Registration costs without accommodation: £600 for each person which covers training, materials, Oxford River cruise tour, and attendance certificate, lunch for two days and concluding dinner and networking event.

Source: (18.06.2018)

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