Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ICSSR sponsored Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences, June 2014, Tezpur

Research Methodology Course in Social Sciences

June 2-11, 2014.
Tezpur University, Tezpur INDIA.

ABOUT: The Department of Mass Communication and Journalism of Tezpur University is organizing a Research Methodology course in Social Sciences during June 2-11, 2014 at its campus sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi. The course is aimed at persons interested in carrying out research studies in different Social Sciences, irrespective of pursuing PhD or other engagements. Persons engaged in educational / research institutions including colleges, universities with a postgraduate degree with UGC norms, those in their final year of postgraduate studies or who have just appeared in their final examinations and awaiting final results, or those not yet engaged in a job are encouraged to apply for the programme. A token participation fees of Rs 200/- in the form of a DD in favour of Registrar, Tezpur University, Tezpur, payable at SBI, TU (Code 14259) is to be submitted by the applicants along with their applications. A soft copy of the detailed application should also be sent by e mail to the Course Director. While the programme shall be held in the department of MCJ premises, accommodation may be arranged on ‘specific requirement’ request in the University Guest House / Guest Rooms in various TU hostels for both male and female participants, preferably on ‘double-sharing’ basis. Accommodation charges shall be borne by the participants directly as may be applicable. There is provision for payment of allowances for accommodation and travel according to ICSSR norms. Interested persons should note that while availing of TU accommodation is not mandatory, they would be expected to be punctual and regular in attending all the sessions on the fixed timeframe of the course. Breakfast, lunch and small tea during the course days would be borne by the organizers. Interested applicants are hereby asked to apply immediately as selection would be done on first-come-first-served basis provided the eligibility criteria is fulfilled by the persons. Application in plain paper in the format given below should reach the Course Director as soon as possible. Participants would be expected to arrive at the TU campus on the afternoon of June 1 and leave by June 12th.

CONTACT: Dr Abhijit Bora, Course Director and Associate Professor, MCJ Dept., Tezpur University, Tezpur INDIA.
Cell no: 9864072390; Tel: 03712-275457 (O)
Email: abhijitb@tezu.ernet,

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